About Bruce & Jennifer
Bruce is the 3rd generation at Pleasant View Beef. He & his wife Jennifer married in 1988 and have lived on the farm since. In 1995, they took over management of the farm, since then have grown the operation to its current status. They had three children, Adam, Brittany, and Conner, who were all raised here on the farm. Bruce's hard-working attributes quickly grew the farm to create more opportunities for his children to work full time on the farm if they wished. Bruce strived to give his children the same childhood that he had; he remembers working with his father, Roger, on the farm at the young age of five years old. Bruce is now a board member of Greenstone Farm Credit and Michigan Milk Producers Association, as well as working full-time on the farm. Jennifer, who has been involved in the office operations on the farm since the early 90s; she is also a Board of Director on Michigan Farm Bureau and a member on the Michigan Beef Commission. Bruce and Jennifer have worked diligently over the years to create Pleasant View Beef into what it is today.

About Adam, Kayla, & family
Adam is the eldest of his siblings. He and his brother, Conner, are the 4th generation at Pleasant View Beef. Born and raised on the farm; he started working at a young age. Adam is a 2007 graduate from Jonesville High School. He further pursued his education at Michigan State University where he met his wife Kayla. They both studied Dairy Management and got married in 2012. Both Adam and Kayla are employed full-time on the farm. Adam maintains equipment, handles the planting and harvesting of crops, as well as caring for the animals. Kayla manages payroll and handles Human Resources at Pleasant View Dairy, while serving as the President of Hillsdale County Farm Bureau and serving as a board member on the Jonesville School Board. Kayla grew up on a beef and cash crop farm in Ionia. Accompanying them are their two children, Aubree and Jace, who actively enjoy living on the farm.

About Brittany, Brad, & Mackenzie
Brittany (Bruce and Jennifer's second child) is a graduate of Jonesville High School in 2009. Brittany works for a local accounting firm and manages her small farm located near Pleasant View Beef. She and her husband Brad married in 2017. Brad is the owner of Morse Construction and has helped with numerous expansion projects around our farm. Their daughter, Mackenzie, will graduate from Jonesville High School this spring and plans to attend Grand Valley State University to pursue a degree in Nursing.

About Conner
Conner, also 4th generation at Pleasant View Beef, is the youngest of Bruce and Jennifer's three children. Conner graduated from Jonesville High School in 2012 and went on to Michigan State University to obtain a degree in Dairy Management. Conner's full-time position at the farm consists of managing and caring for our herd of animals, as well as assisting with planting and harvesting of our crops.